TODO: Check if the particular borrow amount is limited by the liquidity in the protocol
Check if the user can borrow the specified amount based on current protocol sharesReserves
Maximum amount of debt allowed by the protocol for a particular Asset Pair
Minimum amount of debt allowed by the protocol ( Dust level ) for a particular Asset Pair
The PREDICTED collateralization based on the current INPUT parameters expressed as a PERCENTAGE ( for display )
The PREDICTED collateralization ratio based on the current INPUT expressed as a ratio
Pre Transaction estimated Price at which a vault / pair will get liquidated based on collateral and debt INPUT ( and existing colalteral and debt)
Check if the debt amount is undercollaterallized
Check if the collateraillization level of a vault is consdired 'unhealthy'
Maximum collateral based selected Ilk and users balance
Calculate the maximum amount of collateral that can be removed without leaving the vault undercollateralised
The minimum collateral required to meet the minimum protocol-allowed levels
The minimum protocol-allowed collaterallisation level expressed as a percentage ( for display )
The minimum protocol allowed collaterallisation level expressed as a ratio
Minimum Safe collatearalization level expressed as a percentage
Minimum Safe collatearalization level expressed asa ratio TODO: would this be better specified with the assetPair data? - possibly
Price at which the vault will get liquidated
Calculate how much debt will be remaining after successful repayment of [input]
Check if the particular repay [input] is limited by the liquidity in the protocol
Maximum amount that can be repayed (limited by: either the max tokens owned OR max debt available )
TODO: Maximum amount that can be rolled ( NOTE : Not NB for now because we are only rolling entire [vaults] )
Min amount that can be repayed (limited by assetPair dustlevels/minDebt )
Check if the user can roll the selected vault to a new [future] series
Add liquidity input
Borrow input
Close Position input
Collateral input
Lending input
Remove liquidity input
Repayment input
Flag indicating if lending is limited by the protocol based on both account blaance ( and possibly input? )
Get the base value of the existing lending position. i.e. the CURRENT base value of the fyTokens held by the user
Predicted Base Value at maturity based on the [[input]] provided.
Get the maximum lendable to the protocol based on selected series
Maximum allowable when closing a lending posiiton
Maximum rollable base
Check if it is possible to use BUY and POOL strategy is available for a particular INPUT and selected strategy.
Get the vault ( if adding liquidity was done using the 'Borrow and Pool' method. )
Check if not all liquidity can be removed, and a partial removal is required.
Maximum removalable liquidity
Indicates the amount of [0] Base and [1] fyTokens that will be returned when partially removing liquidity tokens based on the input
Manual input update escape hatch (for example, when using react that doesn't have direct DOM access)
Manual input update escape hatch (for example, when using react that doesn't have direct DOM access)
Generated using TypeDoc
Calculate the expected NEW debt @ maturity ( any exisiting debt + new debt ) previously 'borrowEstimate'